Preoperative Cardiovascular Evaluation EXPRESS in Caracas


Everything you need before surgery, in one place and without delay:

The service we offer is for people who do not have time to waste, you don’t have to be worried about getting the laboratory test in a clinic, Chest X-ray in another, look for the results and seek for a physician to do the preoperative evaluation.

We offer everything you need before surgery, all in one place without loss of time, WE REQUEST your tests to the lab and WE WILL EMAIL THE PDF REPORT to the attending physician.

  • Preoperative Cardiovascular Evaluation
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Preoperative profile
  • Spirometry test (Recommended for smokers, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and / or obese)
  • Chest X-ray (PA)
  • Detailed risk report and preoperative suggestions according to the patient condition (with photography of the patient )
  • Spacious parking lot at Santa Fe Mall
  • PRIOR APPOINTMENT NEEDED. We work in the morning from 8:00 am to 12:30pm and from 2:00pm to 5:00 pm, IN ORDER OF ARRIVAL. Quick attention (Approximately 20 min per healthy patient)

examen-clinicoPreoperative Cardiovascular Evaluation (clinical examination and electrocardiogram) will be taken on the same day, before or after the preoperative profile and chest X-ray; we will take care of picking up the examination’s results and radiographies of the patient in our lab, as long as they are made ​​with Medis.

If you bring your preoperative profile exams and x-ray done, we will give you the report immediately; otherwise, the report will be given at the end of the afternoon of the day the results are ready.

We have the latest on technology to perform electrocardiogram test, unlike those traditional electrodes, our electrocardiogram does NOT require shaving the hairy patients, it does not hurt and it does not leave that uncomfortable sticky feeling on your skin.

peto_electrocardiograficoIf you are going to be intervened in Medis, we will deliver the preoperative evaluation report to your treating physician or the surgical area the day before your surgery.

For coverage by insurance companies, ask your physician to include in the surgical budget the preoperative cardiovascular evaluation, preoperative profile and chest X-ray. (Only for interventions covered by insurance policies Medis). It can also be charged cash on your insurance company, with the corresponding report and invoice fees, once practiced surgery. For more details please contact your insurance agent.

If your evaluation results has any medical condition that may increase surgical risk is, it is our duty to warn you and your treating physician and recommend postponing surgery, if it is an elective procedure, until the problem is corrected. The preoperative evaluation does NOT approve or cancel any surgery; is the surgeon and / or anesthesiologist who, based on the report and risks condition decide to do, postpone or cancel surgery.

The idea of postponing elective surgery is to solve the situation that threatens your safety and ensure that the whole process of surgery elapse in the best possible condition: It’s for your own benefit!

The assessment includes:

  • A patient interview with review of personal, familial and functional examination systems.
  • Physical exam.
  • Review of laboratory tests.
  • Resting electrocardiogram.
  • Review of the chest X-ray.
  • Determination of preoperative surgical risk:
    • Cardiovascular risk.
    • Modified Risk Index Goldman.
    • ASA physical status.
  • Detailed report, delivered 24 hours after your lab examination (if you bring your examinations, is given IMMEDIATELY).visa-master
  • Payment is accepted by credit and debit cards

NOTE: Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) is a technical test; the interpretation of it will be made by your treating doctor in the office.

To give you an appointment for medical examination it is necessary to provide us with the following information: (Please complete all fields)

    Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Cell phone (required)

    Required date for your appointment (Monday to Friday) (required)

    Required shift for your appointment: You must attend the shift at which the appointment is made (required)

    Morning shift (8:00 am to 11:30 am)Afternoon shift (2:30 pm to 4:00 pm)

    Type of medical service requested:(required)

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